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Racial and prejudices

                     Racial and other prejudices are destroying the world

Racial and other prejudices are destroying the world

In the last week of May 2020, a tragic incident in the US state of Minneapolis shocked the whole country.  It so happened that a young black man was caught by police on suspicion of running a counterfeit note.  He was handcuffed by police. In the midst of the commotion, a policeman dropped a young black man named George Floyd to the ground and placed his knee on his neck to control him.

 George Floyd

George Floyd said in a low voice.  "I can't breathe," he said, "but he kept his head down on the policeman. This tragic act lasted for more than eight minutes, and finally, George Floyd died."  Footage of the whole incident was coming from the cameras of a nearby store.  A young man in the store made a video of the footage and made it viral.

Thousands took to the streets as they watched.  Two dozen super malls were looted that night by angry mobs of black youths.  Dozens of vehicles were set on fire, statues of most American leaders were smashed, and protests spread to Washington. 

The entire country's system was already reeling from the devastation of the coronavirus, which caused a further uproar.  Protests and property damage became a double whammy.  On one occasion, President Donald Trump, known for his sour nature, threatened to hand over the country to the military.  All these incidents are being investigated and those responsible have been chained.

This is neither the first nor the last incident of ethnic riots of this nature.  Incidents of police brutality, racism are seen every day.  But now the last words of this black young man "I can't breathe" have become a proverb. This slogan is on the tongue of every young man in America.

With the arrival of black people in the United States, the story of racism, slavery, and human rights abuses against black people is old.  In 1492, Columbus discovered America.  From the sixteenth century onwards, large populations of European countries migrated to the United States and settled here.

In such a situation, a large number of manpower was required for farming and construction work, then the criminals of African newborn European colonies with regular planning Innocent Africans began to be lured to the United States by deception or kidnapping.

Seven and a half million from Senegal, four million from Sierra Leone, two million from Benson, seven hundred and thirty thousand from Central Africa, five hundred thousand men, women and children from South Africa were abducted and brought to America who were bought by newborn feudal lords and slave sellers. 

These innocent Africans were stuffed like animals in ships, which caused most people to die on the way and be handed over to the sea.  Not kidnapped from the African coast of the Indian Ocean but sold to kings, emperors, and nawabs in India, China and other countries.

In 1976, Alex Halle, the author of The Roots, a well-known book covering the oppression and inhumane treatment of Africans and blacks, was acclaimed worldwide and opened the eyes of the people.  Can a man be so cruel, selfish, and insensitive?

Most of the enslaved people from Africa were employed in the southern states of the United States where wheat, cotton, pulses, tobacco, and other commodities were grown, partly because of the general hot weather in the southern states. 

That's why Africans felt better here, while the northern states of the United States were colder and snowier, so European immigrants rested in the areas that began to arrive in the United States from Europe in the sixteenth century, including the British.  , French, Spanish, Portuguese and others. By the end of the nineteenth century, people from all parts of Europe had immigrated to the United States.

There was a lot of tension among the newcomers to the United States. There was a lot of linguistic difference because there was no British rule except Britain. French was considered important and there were Racial and linguistic prejudices among the white nations.  There were wars.

Abraham Lincoln 

Abraham Lincoln granted freedom to black Americans to weaken the power of the southern states.  With this strategy, a large number of black people became supporters of Abraham Lincoln. It also increased the power of President Abraham Lincoln.

Martin Luther King

Therefore, black Americans of African descent would respect President Abraham Lincoln.  Famous Americans suffer from poverty, backwardness, and deprivation of human rights.  With this sense of deprivation, Martin Luther King, Jr., a well-known human rights activist, gave birth to a new movement.

His movement was peaceful but he also faced hardships.  Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated when the movement was booming in the 1960s. Martin King told his wife, "Keep propagating my ideas, don't let despair spread among the youth, the movement will go beyond them." 

After Martin Luther King, the last words of George Floyd, the martyr of the US state of Minneapolis, "Let me breathe" has become the slogan of the youth, and, strangely, Floyd's last sad words have full meaning.  The whole human rights charter has collapsed.  On the plus side, the white people are mourning the death of George Floyd.

Large demonstrations took place in Washington, DC, in every city and state.  If we look at American history objectively, the fact that black Americans, along with white Americans, have a role to play in the development of the United States today.  In fact, whites are victims of racial prejudice

White Americans have strong envy of black Americans, which is manifested in racial prejudice. The envy is that black Americans not only do what they take seriously but also do it in a good way.  He dominates all the well-known sports.

The music industry is very large and they are also prominent in it.  Black Americans are gradually changing. Ninety-nine percent of American black boys and girls graduated from high school last year, and are now prominent in medical, engineering, legal, and banking.  Considering the progress and prosperity of the United States, the role of black Americans in this struggle is significant.

They are also prominent in military service, but by promoting cowboy culture in the United States, the Americans selectively killed the original inhabitants of the United States.  Gun culture flourished along with cowboy culture.  Its history is old and its roots are deep. It has become more stable after many generations.

Firearms have arrived in almost every home in the American Civil War, and people now consider it their right to bear arms.  The proliferation of open arms in the United States has also fueled racism, gang warfare, and other crimes. 

Some American sociologists say that the pre-colonial era and the current modern capitalist era have transformed American society from collectivism to individualism.  Now everyone is alone.  He believes in his individuality.  Young Americans are taught that you are now responsible, to carry your own burden, to protect yourself.  In this way, every individual feels isolated while living in society.

This temperament has made the youth irritable, stubborn, and insane.  Thus, crime has increased there.  Racial prejudice has become a kind of deep mental illness.  If a white man is guilty, then blacks will punish him, even if he runs away from this world.

In the same way, white Americans do not leave blacks unharmed. Sociologists say that gun culture is the first way to establish peace in America.  It should be banned, but arms factories are an obstacle.  They sell billions of dollars worth of firearms, ranging from pistols to AK47s. More sophisticated weapons are now being designed that are digital and automatic.  It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

The continent of Africa has been the most unfortunate region in terms of racial prejudice, the enslavement of human beings, exploitation of countries' natural resources.  From the 17th century onwards, European racist criminal gangs set up camps on the west coast of Africa.  Innocent Africans could not resist their firearms. Most Portuguese pirates kidnapped dozens of people from here every day and took them across the sea in ships. If anyone resisted, they would shoot him immediately.  The women were abducted and sold in North America and Mexico.  Here they were crammed into narrow wooden cages, and if anyone fell ill or was injured for any reason, they would be shot.

According to a careful study, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, European racist slave traders and European criminal gangs smuggled 7.5 million African countries from Senegal, 4 million from Sierra Leone, 270,000 from Benson, 780,000 from Central Africa, and South Africa. 

Six hundred and thirty-five thousand, and six million people from other coastal areas, including men and women, were forcibly abducted and trafficked to North America.  In addition to looting European pirate ships from the east coast of the Indian Ocean, thousands of people were trafficked and sold to Asian and Middle Eastern countries.

The era of slavery was also prevalent three hundred and fifty years before Christ. At that time, there were large slave markets in Cairo and Mesopotamia.  Slave buying was common in all countries around the Mediterranean. 


The majority of slaves lived in Greece, Sparta, and Rome.  Later, slaves and maids were also in demand in Banu Umayyah, Banu Abbas, and the Ottoman Empire. However, Islamic teachings largely included instructions to grant slavery to slaves and also called for the abolition of slavery.

In the modern history of Africa, in the eighteenth century, in search of diamonds in southern Africa, British, Dutch, Portuguese, and other white racists made the whole of South Africa their colony and white racists formed their government.  At the same time, they built their modern cities with the plundered wealth of South Africa, laid railway lines, in other words, South Africa seemed to be part of Europe, but the life span of the black people of Africa was short.

The racist government has blackened the blacks with the worst laws. Their neighborhoods are isolated, bus stops are isolated, their schools, colleges, and hospitals are separated, roads are separated, sidewalks are separated, markets are separated, and Africans were strangers in their own country.  , Were remorseful, were helpless.  If a black man came in front of a white car, he would get in the car and the black man would be found violating the law.

On the other hand, the lives of white people are lavish, they do everything black, they were allowed to come and go through the back door of the white house, they did not stop at the slightest thing without beating the white person. 

When South African mines began to spew gold in addition to diamonds, a strong greedy racist lobby seized power, including British and Dutch racists affiliated with the African East India Company.  Enacted the worst laws to promote racism and make black lives longer.  Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly.

Zulu tribe

In the last decade of the nineteenth century, the largest Zulu tribe in South Africa was divided into eleven parts and settled in the mountains of the South African mainland.  In 1879, the white government sent a message to the Zulu chiefs to surrender and lay down their arms, but the Zulu chiefs refused. As a result, the white racist South African government, in its arrogance, raised an army and clashed with the Zulu tribe. 

The history that has been written states that in this battle, the Zulu tribe chewed the whites with iron rods.  The white soldiers had to flee for their lives. The Zulu tribe chased them and the white soldiers who were children were able to reach their area.

Fugitive whites did not expect Africans to fight like this.  The racist government misjudged the power of the Zulu people. The Zulu wore long, wide, smart only panties, each with a spear, an archer, and a whip.  The white whites themselves have admitted that in no other battle have we suffered as much humiliation as the Zulu tribe.  In this regard, the well-known English author wrote the novel "The Dawn of Zulu" on which a film has also been made, but later the British gradually left the war of the Zulu tribe and occupied all the areas and established a security system.

South African diamonds and gold have been very popular since the early twentieth century.  In 1961, Nelson Mandela and his associates founded the African National Congress.  The Congress manifesto was simple, free, and independent. 

Nelson Mandela

racial prejudice

The party was in favor of peaceful struggle.  Nelson Mandela started a movement based on peaceful coexistence but still endured 22 years of torture.  Mandela wrote letters to his friends from prison but they were not published because there was a real fear that the young people would be provoked by reading the letters and the element of violence would not enter the movement.

After 22 years of perseverance, when Nelson Mandela was released by the racist government in  1994, thousands gathered in Johannesburg, Dublin, and other cities, and the the racist government was terrified, but Nelson Mandela addressed these thousands of young people.  Controlled from Their goal were freedom and sovereignty.

When the white racist government signed the Declaration of Independence and Power of Attorney, the whole world was shocked. The angry mob of South Africa started dancing and singing.

Nelson Mandela came to power is the result of the foresight, temperament, and depth of the situation of leaders like Mandela.  It is a matter of a big heart and a heart to forgive the cruel selfish tyrants and oppressors even after enduring a thousand oppressions. 

That was Nelson Mandela's vision.  In Africa today, African tribes themselves are fighting each other because of Racial, religious, and linguistic prejudices, shedding the blood of their own people, beheading them, setting fire to their houses and barns.

In all the undesirable attitudes and actions of human prejudice, hatred, inferiority, and enslavement in the world so far, the most cruelty was done by the Aryan nation to the Bheel and Dravidian nations of India. 

Before the arrival of Aryans in India, the concept of untouchability, lower caste, upper caste, inferior and superior was not the concept that has been there for centuries.  If we look at the history of the world's slaves, they also have at least human status. But Indian Brahmanism has applied the world's worst system to millions of people, not only from their lands, cities, villages, places of worship.  Evicted but even cut off from the whole society.

They are not allowed to enter the temples of the Brahmins, they are not allowed to touch anything of any other caste.  If a Brahmin feels that the hand or cloth of an untouchable has touched him, he makes a storm, changes his clothes, and immediately ashes. After reciting ten or twenty mantras, he purifies himself and tears the skin of the untouchable.  The beggars away from the temples are thrown away or given away for charity.

When East India Company set foot in India, it was clear that what we have been doing to the blacks is nothing beyond this touch.  The lives of the untouchables have been indigestible. From ancient times the Scheduled Castes have been subjected to intense racial prejudice.  The Brahmin caste is considered to be the highest caste and from it, the Pandit and the teacher are chosen. The Brahmins have snatched the lands of the untouchables, burnt the huts, they say that they have created them to endure the torment. 

Mughal period

In the Mughal period, lower-level jobs were assigned to India, but when the British came to India, they made some rules regarding the untouchables, but all the Brahmins stood up against the British and the British had to withdraw those rules.

During the Muslim era, they had some hope, many of them became Muslims by reciting the Kalima, it changed their lives, but the Brahmins and other Hindus started harassing the untouchables after they became Muslims, but the untouchables in small numbers Although Muslims continued to grow and the number of Muslims in India increased, at present, there are about 200 million Muslims.

Long before the arrival of Muslims in India, the caste system had been introduced India. The Hindu fanatics invented a new innovation in the society and linked it with Hindu Dharma that God has divided human beings into four cells.  The first is Brahman, the second is Kashtari, the third is Vishwas and the fourth is Shudra Achhot.

Brahmins will be in charge of all religious and social affairs, Kashti will perform military services. Vishwas will run trade and Shudras will carry out the lower-level work of the untouchable society. They will live in separate settlements. They will not be allowed near the temple. 

European writers wrote that they read a lot about racial prejudices, but in India, they have never seen or heard of such contempt for human beings.  In fact, Hinduism or society does not only discriminate against Shudra untouchables, it also treats Muslims and followers of other religions in the same way.  He doesn't let anyone touch his utensils, then looks at more prejudices.

There are different communities in the villages of India and they have different prejudices.  Caste, community, race prejudice is different, village prejudice is prejudice.  There are hundreds of cultures that worship millions of gods and goddesses.  Then where is Dharma or religion?  There are cultures that have stood on their own two feet for centuries, so God is everywhere.  They kiss the stone idol but despise and humiliate the man. Of course, there is no basis for Hindu society and no real logic of religion. It is only entangled in racial prejudices and entanglements of castes.

Learn More:   Leadership

Learn More:   What is genocide


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